Local News

Developers submit amended plans

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Developers of two large housing schemes in the town have submitted amended plans to the district council.

In Tamworth Road, developer Rockwell Homes has submitted an amended planning application that reduces the number of homes from 93 to 89, removal of the gabled roof to the flats and replacement with a flat roof, splitting the flats in to two distinct blacks, along with landscaping and road surface changes.

Rockwell plans - submited in January - have attracted 197 objections from the public, with no-one commenting in support of the proposals. Objections have also been submitted by The Victorian Society, Hertford Civic Society and Hertford Town Council.

In fields west of Thieves Lane, Croudace Homes have made changes to some elevations and streetscenes, amended the design of the Urban Square, added gates to parking courts, and amendments made to the affordable housing plan, although there is no change to the proposed level of 40% .

Croudace originally submitted their plans for 254 homes in May. Comments received from the public have largely been against the proposals with 36 objections and 6 comments in support. Objections have also been received from Herts & Middlesex Willife Trust, 

If the plans go ahead, the local NHS Care Comissioning Group have asked for a £650,000 contribution from builders to improve local healthcare services.

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