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Developer consults on industrial estate

Tuesday 28 June 2022

The public are being asked to comment on new plans for the Hertford Industrial Estate at the top of Caxton Hill.

Before submitting a formal planning application, owners Caxton Capital Partners are asking local people to share their views on proposals to regenerate the partially derelict estate that would see the site brought back into use for employment purposes.

Most of the existing buildings on the industrial estate were built in the 1940s, and the site has been an established industrial estate that has provided jobs for people in Hertford for decades. The buildings are however now in a poor state of repair and unsuitable for the needs of modern businesses. Large parts of the estate are abandoned and derelict.

The older buildings will be replaced with 15,450 sqm of high quality, modern industrial units, an increase of 2,286 sqm in useable floorspace compared to the current estate. There would be a mix of larger and smaller buildings to respond to market requirements from a range of operators, helping to secure the estate’s long-term future.

The proposals also include the refurbishment of the existing Fluorocarbon buildings, which have been acquired by the developer and are newer than the rest of the estate.

Access will continue to be from Ware Road via Caxton Hill. 

Details of the consultation can be found on the website at www.hertfordindustrialestateregeneration.co.uk and members of the public have until Sunday 10th July 2022 to submit their views.

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