Local News

Town Council Oppose Bypass

Friday 26 April 2019

Hertford Town Council has voiced its opposition to proposals for a bypass around the town.

In response the the county council's recent consultation on the A414 Corridor, the town council said it "has no enthusiasm for a bypass of Hertford, and cannot support the provision of a Hertford bypass at present due to the lack of detailed information that would enable the matter to be considered properly."

"... the price to pay of losing countryside and impacting on those living near the route would be very significantly detrimental, so it is not a decision which should be taken lightly"

The council also expressed concern about the resulting infill development that would follow a bypass.

Development and Leisure Committee also said it would like to see an increase in the number and quality of secure cycle parking facilities in the town, as well as more rigourous enforcement of regulations aganist pavement parking and footway obstruction.

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