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volunteers for new Beaver Scout Colony in Hertford

Posted: Wed 26 Oct, 2016 10:39 am
by RSTscout
We're really excited at 1st Hertford in Marshgate Drive. We've opened a new Beaver Scout section on Mondays. Its for Boys & Girls aged 6-8 years old. We've already started to learn what Beavers are and because we are part of the Sea Scout group we have learnt water safety and explored the river bank around us. There's so much we can offer them but we still need some more volunteers to help make it happen. The beavers only meet for an hour a week, but there would also be programme planning, setting up and also outings and camps if you are up for it. You don't have to come every week, we can operate a flexible rota.
As an adult in Scouting we'll give you a uniform, free membership and training - If you are interested please contact me ASAP